
Showing posts from July, 2022

When You Stop Wearing Underwear, Your Body Won't Be The Same. Here's Why

 When You Stop Wearing Underwear, Your Body Won't Be The Same. Here's Why Deciding to stop wearing underwear may be even more difficult than choosing between trunks or briefs, hipsters or high-rise. Yes, maybe the ultimate question really shouldn't be about boxers or briefs, but whether or not you should you wear any at all. Abandoning your undergarments may not seem like a typical choice, but going commando is becoming a fairly common occurrence. In fact, according to a survey conducted by Vanity Fair and 60 Minutes, a quarter of us like to skip the underwear altogether. You may be thinking yuck, but before getting your panties in a knot, bare in mind there are many pros when it comes to ditching your drawers. Aside from the obvious panty line problem, getting some fresh air down there has quite a few health benefits as well. However, if you've already been enjoying wearing one less piece of clothing — after all, it is less laundry — it's important to understand th


 SCIENTIFIC EFFECTS THAT HAPPEN WHEN A MAN GROWS A BEARD As you've probably noticed by now, beards are in. These days, the scruffy look once reserved for mountain men, lumberjacks, and hippies can be seen everywhere from billboards to fashion runways to business conferences. Don't believe those occasional headlines proclaiming that the end of the bearded era is nigh: while fashion always moves in trends, beards aren't going anywhere, anytime soon. Ask anyone who has ever bearded up, and they'll tell you that life changes once you embrace your inner werewolf. People look at you differently. You feel different. As a whole, the impact that a beard has upon a person's life is way bigger than you might think, and to back that up, here are some scientific studies that have been done on beards — many of which, one would assume, may have been conducted by bearded men. Here's what happens when you grow a beard. YOUR BEARD IS A SKIN CANCER FORCEFIELD Shutterstock Sunburns

25 Expert Fitness Tips and Strategies Every Lifter Should Know

  25 Expert Fitness Tips and Strategies Every Lifter Should Know Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window) More News Best Warmup to Do Before a Run Are Delta 9 Gummies or Full-Spectrum Gummies Right for You? The Best Bodyweight Workouts to Build Muscle How to Activate Your Glutes Before You Run or Lift Support Post Workout Recovery and Muscle Growth With Muscle Milk Whey Protein Vitaliy Musiyenko on Conquering Goliath Traverse in 8 Days All Stories  More Videos Tony Hawk skates during an exhibition before the Skateboard Vert competition at the X Games Austin on June 5, 2014 at the State Capitol in Austin, Texas. (Photo by Suzanne Cordeiro/Corbis via Getty Images) The MJ5: Tony Hawk on His Favorite Gear, Why He Always Carries His Board, and More Here's the Difference Between Bourbon an

Family Exercise Ideas for Every Season

  Family Exercise Ideas for Every Season Note: During the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the physical activities mentioned may not be advisable. To get additional ideas on physical activity that can be included while social distancing, please visit the CDC website.   The key to an active family is finding fun things to do in every season. Aim for a goal of 30 minutes for adults and 60 minutes for kids of moderate activity daily — no matter the weather! Winter Workouts Once the weather turns cold, snow and ice can make jogging and cycling difficult — and even unsafe! Don't let the cold months of winter be an excuse to cut back on your exercise routine. Consider these indoor activities: Walk your local mall. Take the stairs whenever possible instead of an elevator or escalator. Walk around your building's hallways during your lunch or coffee break. Don't wait for spring for a thorough house cleaning. Wash the inside of your windows, vacuum or shampoo the carpet or clean out your


  FUN WAYS TO EXERCISE: 23 UNCONVENTIONAL WORKOUT IDEAS Exercising can sometimes feel like an exclusive club, accessible only to people who are already super fit. But no matter where you are on your fitness journey, you too can experience joy while moving your body, getting your heart rate up and working toward your health and wellness goals. If the thought of working out conjures up images of a muscled Arnold Schwarzenegger lifting ultra-heavy weights in a spartan-style gym, think again. Working out can be whatever you want it to be—it doesn’t have to be restricted to the weight room or a boring treadmill. In fact, you can work out anywhere, at any time. (Yes, the park, your office stairwell and your kitchen all count.) So, what are some fun ways to exercise that don’t involve a gym membership? If you’re in need of a little inspiration for your next calorie-burning routine, we’ve got a challenging (but enjoyable) list of exercise activities that just might tempt you to jump off the co

Everything You Need To Know About Sea Vegetables

  Everything You Need To Know About Sea Vegetables In a time when taking care of your health and immune system is more important than ever, there's one superfood you may be neglecting: Sea veggies. Sure, you've eaten those bits of seaweed in your miso soup, or wrapped around your sushi roll. However, there is actually a wide variety of green, brown, and red seaweed or edible marine algae that fall into the sea vegetables category. And they are bursting with nutrients, some of which you just can't get from land vegetables.   "Sea vegetables are a great addition to a healthy diet, right now and always," says registered dietitian Abby Cannon, J.D., R.D., CDN. But where do you start when it comes to this variety of veggies? Can you get them in your grocery store, or is there a sea vegetables supplement? Experts have all the information you need to know about sea vegetables, varieties, benefits, and how to eat them. ADVERTISEMENT THIS AD IS DISPLAYED USING THIRD PARTY

7 Ridiculously Easy Habits To Get You Healthy & Fit For Life

  7 Ridiculously Easy Habits To Get You Healthy & Fit For Life Being fit and healthy doesn't mean you have to resign yourself to working out for hours a day and eating nothing but chicken and steamed broccoli for every meal. In fact, there are several more effective (and less painful!) habits you can adopt today that will not only help you get in shape in the short term but will help you stay that way for the long run as well. These seven habits are easy to implement in your everyday lifestyle and will help get you healthy and fit for life: 1. Stop making excuses. I know, you're too busy to go to the gym. It takes too much time to pack a healthy lunch, and it's too hard to find something healthy to eat out. You would work out at home, but you don't know how. All of these excuses are valid in their own way, and yes, we've all been there. But if you really want to get—and stay—fit and healthy, you have to learn to give up your excuses and start making your health

How to Build Muscle as a Woman: The Ultimate Guide for Gaining Weight the Right Way

  How to Build Muscle as a Woman: The Ultimate Guide for Gaining Weight the Right Way If you are interested in learning how to gain weight the right way, you have come to the right place!  My name is Staci Ardison. I overcame an eating disorder, discovered a love for heavy strength training, and now I help women like you get stronger for a living. Believe it or not, I’m 50 pounds heavier in the photo on the right (and WAY stronger, and healthier, and happier!). I’m currently a lead coach here in the Nerd Fitness Coaching Program, where we train women to pick up heavy weights, get strong, and build confidence. Want to learn how to strength train like Staci? Learn more about our Coaching Program: Speaking of picking up heavy weights, here I am deadlifting 455 pounds: Staci showing you how to deadlift 455 pouds. This is what I LOVE to do. In this Ultimate Guide to Building Muscle as a Woman, I’m going to be covering: Why building muscle is difficult for some women. Should women build musc